Arunachal Pradesh is also known as the Orchid State of India or the Paradise of the Botanists and geographically it is the largest amongst the North-east Indian States. Arunachal Pradesh means “land of dawn-lit mountains” [also known as Land of the Rising Sun] due to its position as the easternmost State of India with its borders touching China, Bhutan and Myanmar. Itanagar is the capital city of Arunachal Pradesh and is one of the most beautiful places for tourism. Till now, Arunachal Pradesh has secured two Geographical Indication (GI) Tags, the latest being Idu Mishmi Textiles, which received its GI tag on 27th August 2019 [Certificate].
Idu Mishmi textiles are the handloom goods whose application for GI Tag was filed by the Idu Mishmi Cultural and Literary Society (MCLS) on 9th October 2018. The yarns for making these textiles are extracted from the nettle plants which are commonly grown in the wild areas. The patterns woven are inspired by the beauty of Arunachal Pradesh. The designs include intricate geometrical patterns like lines, angles, triangles, rhomboid shapes with the continuous sequence. The Idu Mishmi is used for making Etopolo (Ladies blouse), Thuma (Ladies Wraparound), Men’s Coat, Tie, Akuchi (Shoulder bag), a Hand purse, Priest wear etc in prominent colours such as Teei (black), Shu (bright red) and Low (white). These handloom goods are highly durable, bright and attractive and can be used in all seasons and occasions. [For all documents click here].
Arunachal Pradesh possesses the following GI Tags-
Handloom products has wide scope to be registered as GI in India. I am happy to hear about Idu Mishmi could be eye opener one. Nice post Tanya
Thank You. Happy Reading.
Appreciable work Tanya. Because of its geographical location and immense diversity in terms of ethnicity, Arunachal is very rich culturally. Its truly delightful witnessing the uniqueness of our state being recognized beyond boundaries.
Thank You so much. Happy Reading
Knowledge find this article.
pls can you make such articles on the GI tags from other states.