Hello IPholics! Here is some information about the Real Time IP Dialogue Writing Event at the IP Expo along with associated guidelines.
- You should expect the proposition in either of the three IP categories: Trademark, Copyright or Geographical Indication.
- The proposition shall be released on 24th September 2020.
- Deadline for Submission of Article shall be 26th September 2020 6 PM IST.
- The article shall not exceed 800 words (exclusive of the number of words already given in the article by us) inclusive of footnotes/references.
- Format of the article: Times New Roman, 12, Justified, 1.5 spacing.
- The article has to be the original work of the author. Any case of plagiarism shall result in the automatic rejection of the article.
- The article must NOT contain the author’s name to facilitate a fair assessment.
- In the mail sent by the participants attaching the article, they shall include their name and contact details.
- Co-participation is allowed.
- Winners and outstanding deserving participants shall be rewarded with cash prize worth 10, 000 INR and internship opportunities with S.S. Rana & Co. and WORDICTIP, the partners of the IP Expo.
- The articles of winners from this event shall be published on The IP Press.
- Send your articles to theippress@gmail.com by the aforementioned deadline. No late submissions shall be accepted unless there are reasonable extenuating circumstances.
(To get some idea about the kind of dialogues you could expect, please check the articles on IP press website authored by:
by Mr. Ram Kumar titled ‘In whose name authorship would vest in a photograph; and
Mr. Srinivas L. titled ‘The Pecuniary Jurisdiction of Courts in IPR disputes’
Accordingly, you need to write an article discussing the issue at hand, applying your legal knowledge of the issue and backing it with statutes and case laws, wherever applicable.
Register and Await the kickstart of The IP Expo 2020. It is bound to give you immense learning opportunities and experience, combined with guaranteed fun and excitement!
For registration, please click here.

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