Well, this is quite apt in today’s scenario, as we all know how important the opinion of AI Software is, whether it is as simple as drafting a text or in the Court’s verdict!
Henceforth, IP PRESS brings up the “Blog Writing Competition” on the theme as the name suggests “AI and its paradigms in context to Intellectual Property Rights.” It is time to express our opinions on how AI is increasingly gaining popularity all over the globe and how IPR would be affected by it.
In this blog writing competition, we invite you to explore the intersection of AI and IPR and to share your thoughts and insights on the challenges and opportunities presented by these rapidly evolving technologies. Some potential topics to consider might include but are not limited to:
- The Role of IPR in Protecting AI Inventions and Innovations
- The ownership and use of AI-generated data
- The ethical implications of AI Decision-making
- The impact of AI on traditional notions of creativity and authorship
- The legal challenges of regulating AI and IPR
We encourage you to think creatively and approach this topic from your unique perspective. We are looking for well-written and engaging blog posts that explore the intersection of AI and IPR in a thoughtful and nuanced way.
We will select the top three entries and award prizes to the winners!
The IP Press is a team of IP-Holics, who started this blog to ensure access to the latest intellectual property (IP) issues for all the IP hopefuls. Our focus would be to address the IP concerns of stakeholders, students, academicians, researchers, start-ups, etc., and guide them to attain and enforce their IP rights.
We, not only hold expertise in law and IP, but our team of technically-skilled professionals, IP specialists, and patent agents gives us a better understanding to deal with technical issues in IP. To focus on national and international issues, we are supported by international IP experts as well.
Students pursuing LLB (3yr/ 5yr) or LLM are eligible to participate in this competition.
- There is a participation fee of INR 150/- for a single author and INR 250/- for co-authors, which will be paid through the following link https://rzp.io/l/hS4Oo1Dl attach the screenshot of the same when registering through this link- https://forms.gle/abMUdvWEypmmVbYw9
- The maximum number of co-authors permitted is two. Multiple entries are not allowed.
The blog submitted by the author(s) must adhere to the following font styles:
- The manuscript submitted must be typed in Times New Roman.
- The line spacing must be 1.5.
- The font size of the title – is 14, (*Headings – Size12 – Bold and underlined – Justified)
- Body text – Size 12
- The text should be justified.
- Citation Style- The author(s) are requested to provide the link to the sources that have been cited by them in the main body and are required to follow the OSCOLA citation method (4th edition).
- The citations should be in Numeric Form, Font Times New Roman, Size 10, and in single line spacing.
- Endnotes are not to be used.
- Blogs exceeding 15% of plagiarism will be out rightly rejected.
- The blogs so submitted would be assumed to be an original piece of work of the author(s) and have not been published or is in consideration for publishing in any other place.
- The body of the manuscript should not contain any personal details of the author(s), to enable anonymous screening and review.
By submitting your article for this competition, you are IP PRESS exclusive and unlimited license, without any restriction of time or geographical restriction, to publish your blog on the IP PRESS blog, as well as any other compendium where we may like to publish it. Quid pro quo is the opportunity to participate in the competition.
However, if we do not publish your article within 30 days of submission, we would have no rights to your article and you would be free to publish it elsewhere or use it as you deem fit. However, if we publish it, you will not attempt to publish the same article/content anywhere else.
Kindly adhere to the aforementioned guidelines. Any alternate form of formatting is not necessary. Failure to follow the above-mentioned points may result in disqualification.
- The word limit for the blog is a maximum of 1000-1500 words.
(Note- Kindly note that the word limit is exclusive to footnotes. Strict adherence to the word limit is highly advised.)
- No submissions will be accepted if sent through any other mode than the Google form which will be shared after the registration,
- The submissions must be sent to the link provided above in MS Word format only.
- Amazon Vouchers to the TOP 3.
- Certificate of participation and certificate of merit for the first three winners. (PDF Format)
- The first three winners will get a chance to intern with us and learn from our esteemed speakers who are associated with well-known IP firms.
- Blog Publication on our esteemed platform
- Discount of future IP Press courses and recognition on Social Media
The last date to submit the blog is 16th April 2023 (Sunday, until 11:59 PM). No entries after this date will be considered for review.
For more details of the IP EXPO 2.0, click here.
For the event brochure, click here.
For any query, drop us a mail at – event.theippress@gmail.com

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