Trademark UNO: Flipping the Script with Reverse Passing Off

Exploring Reverse Passing Off with UNO Reverse

The litigation between Western Digital Technologies Inc. and Geonix International Private Limited revolves around assertions of trademark infringement and passing off. Western Digital Technologies Inc. accuses Geonix International Private Limited of refurbishing and rebranding their discarded HDDs (Hard Disk Drives) and SSDs (Solid State Drives) under the brand name “Geonix”, thus deceiving consumers and violating the Plaintiffs’ trademark rights.

WD accuses Geonix International Private Limited of refurbishing and rebranding WD hard disks as “Geonix” hard disks. They provided reports from their engineers and an independent expert to substantiate their claim. Despite the defendant’s contention that there was no infringement since WD’s rights had been depleted through lawful acquisition, the Court discerned a strong instance of reverse passing off. The Court underscored the potential damage to WD’s reputation due to the connection between the disputed goods and WD. The Court adjudged this as a case of reverse passing off, where the defendant falsely attributed the origin of the products, leading consumers to believe the products originated from the defendant. Consequently, the Court granted the injunction in favour of WD.


Plaintiffs, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, U.S.A., specialize in storage devices, including HDDs and SSDs, under the trademarks ‘WESTERN DIGITAL’ and ‘ULTRASTAR’. Defendant, a wholesaler, retailer, and manufacturer of similar products, allegedly refurbished and rebranded Plaintiffs’ discarded products as their own, misleading consumers into believing they were purchasing new products.

Plaintiffs’ internal probe confirmed that Defendant had modified the Plaintiffs’ original trademarks and identifiers on the HDDs, yet Plaintiffs could still be discerned as the original manufacturers. Plaintiffs contended that Defendant’s actions constituted trademark infringement and reverse passing off.


Plaintiffs argued that Defendant’s refurbishing and rebranding of their discarded products under the ‘Geonix’ brand amounted to trademark infringement and passing off. They posited that despite endeavours to obscure the original manufacturer, Plaintiffs could still be identified, leading to consumer deception and irreparable damage to their reputation and goodwill. Plaintiffs invoked pertinent provisions of the Trade Marks Act, 1999, to buttress their claim for injunctive relief.

Defendant countered by asserting lawful acquisition of the products and contended that vending them under their own brand name did not contravene Plaintiffs’ trademarks. They argued that Plaintiffs’ trademark rights were depleted under the Trade Marks Act, 1999, and refuted any malfeasance, asserting there was no case against them for trademark infringement or passing off.


The Court granted an ex-parte, ad-interim injunction in favour of Plaintiffs, restraining Defendant No. 1 from altering, repackaging, or rebranding HDDs bearing Plaintiffs’ trademarks until the subsequent hearing. The Court found that Plaintiffs had established a prima facie case, and neglecting to grant the injunction would result in irrevocable damage to Plaintiffs. Furthermore, the Court directed Defendant to furnish inventory information regarding the refurbished products, signalling a prudent approach by the Court to forestall further infringement.

The litigation between Western Digital Technologies Inc. and Geonix International Private Limited underscores the significance of safeguarding intellectual property rights and forestalling deceptive trade practices. The Court’s decision to grant an ex-parte, ad-interim injunction manifests the gravity with which trademark infringement and passing off are regarded under the law. This litigation serves as a reminder to enterprises to honour the intellectual property rights of others and to consumers to remain vigilant against deceitful marketing practices.

What Is Reverse Passing Off?

Reverse passing off transpires when a party appropriates another’s product, eliminates or modifies its identifying marks, and sells it under their own appellation1. Essentially, the party is purporting the product as their own creation rather than acknowledging the original manufacturer. This misrepresentation of the product’s provenance can jeopardize the reputation and goodwill of the original manufacturer. In the context of intellectual property law, reverse passing off contravenes the rights of the original creator and can precipitate legal action for trademark infringement or unfair competition.

Court’s Opinion

The court ascertained that Defendant’s actions constituted reverse passing off, as they were erroneously representing the origin and provenance of the refurbished products. Despite Defendant’s endeavours to sever any nexus between the products and Plaintiffs, the court ascertained that Plaintiffs could still be recognized as the original manufacturers. This determination indicated that Defendant’s conduct misrepresented the true provenance of the products, leading to reverse passing off. By rebranding the products and peddling them as their own, Defendant was beguiling consumers and undermining Plaintiffs’ reputation and goodwill. Consequently, the court acknowledged reverse passing off as a noteworthy aspect of Plaintiffs’ case and granted injunctive relief to avert further harm.

Visualize the “UNO reverse play card” as a metaphor for reverse passing off in the legal realm. In a conventional game of UNO, upon playing the reverse card, the course of play is inverted, and the ensuing player must proceed in the opposite direction. Analogously, in reverse passing off, the habitual scenario of passing off goods or services as someone else’s is reversed.

Typical Passing Off:

  • In a customary game of UNO, participants play cards in the accustomed direction, adhering to the sequence of play.
  • Similarly, in passing off, a party (let’s label them Party Y) represents their goods or services as those of another party (Party X), causing befuddlement among consumers.

Reverse Passing Off – The Uno Reverse:

  • Now, envisage employing the reverse play card in UNO. The course of play is inverted, and the subsequent player must proceed in the antithetical direction.
  • In reverse passing off, Party Y procures Party X’s products, eliminates or conceals Party X’s trademark, and subsequently vends the product under Party Y’s trademark. This reverses the customary scenario, as Party Y is now falsely attributing the origin of the products to themselves.


Just as the UNO reverse card alters the course of play, reverse passing off entails misattributing the origin of products or services. Party Y falsely presents products as their own, causing bewilderment among consumers regarding the true provenance. Reverse passing off can impair the reputation and goodwill of the original manufacturer (Party X), akin to how the reverse card disrupts the flow of the game. By eliminating or concealing Party X’s trademark, Party Y jeopardizes Party X’s brand and reputation.

Analogous to how utilizing the reverse card can alter the dynamics of the game, engaging in reverse passing off can have legal ramifications. It may engender claims of trademark infringement and unfair competition, with potential injunctions and damages against the party engaging in such practices.

In conclusion, the “UNO reverse play card” serves as a metaphor for reverse passing off, where the customary scenario of passing off goods or services is inverted. It underscores the potential harm to the original manufacturer’s reputation and underscores the legal implications of such deceptive practices. Just as players must be mindful of the reverse card’s impact in UNO, enterprises must be cognizant of the hazards and repercussions of engaging in reverse passing off.

1Lori H. Freedman, “Reverse Passing Off: A Great Deal of Confusion”, 83, TRADEMARK REP. 305, 307 (1993).

About Aeshita Marwah 7 Articles
Aeshita Marwah is a third-year law student at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies with a strong passion for labor laws and intellectual property matters. She is an avid reader and researcher who is always up-to-date with the latest legal issues from around the world. Her research work is characterized by her dedication to thoroughness, analytical rigor, and innovative thinking. Her commitment to labor laws is driven by a desire to promote fair and equitable treatment of workers, while her fascination with intellectual property matters is driven by her appreciation for creativity and innovation. With her unwavering determination and passion for the law, Aeshita is poised to make a significant impact on the legal profession.

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