Reverse Trademark Bullying

October 2, 2021 admin 0

One must agree that times have changed when intangible proprieties like intellectual property have surpassed the tangible properties in worth and significance. Trademark is one of the […]

IPR Olympiad 2.0- ISERDIndia

August 16, 2021 admin 1

India’s First and Unique National IPR Olympiad – IPR Olympiad 2.0 ISERDIndia Analytics LLP will be organizing IPR Olympiad 2.0. The Olympiad will be organized […]

India to render IPAB dysfunctional

April 5, 2021 PL Sravanti 0

On 4th April 2021, the Official Gazette has published an ordinance titled Tribunals Reforms (Rationalization and Conditions of Service) Ordinance, 2021(Gazette ID: CG-DL-E-04042021-226364). This Ordinance […]